Five Tips to Help You Be More Visible as a Microsoft Partner

Five Tips to Help You Be More Visible as a Microsoft Partner

Being visible can make all the difference when you’re looking to become an in-demand Microsoft Partner. The more visible you are, the more opportunities you have to showcase your expertise and offerings. Yet, getting noticed is often easier said than done. With so many marketing choices available, which ones are best for a Microsoft Partner like you? We've outlined some effective strategies below to enhance your visibility and attract new customers.

Participate in Microsoft Partner Programs

While these programs may seem a bit complex and tricky to navigate, they are definitely worth being a part of. They come with numerous perks, including resources and benefits to promote your business.

Among these programs, the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program stands out with its extensive list of valuable marketing-related benefits for Microsoft Solution Partners. With go-to-market resources at your disposal, you can use pre-designed marketing and sales campaigns, including email templates, website content, social media materials, pitch decks, and various assets. These resources enable you to engage and become visible immediately without the hassle of preparing resources from scratch. Another great perk is the use of Microsoft branding. You can leverage Logo Builder to create Solution Partner badges, Partner logos, award logos, or certified letters to validate your Microsoft partnership and enhance your credibility. Additionally, there's the Digital Marketing Content OnDemand, delivering weekly go-to-market content to Microsoft Partners.

All these benefits, along with others, ensure your visibility as a Microsoft Partner. Moreover, being part of this program showcases your expertise and builds trust with customers, making you easily recognizable.

Make Your Solution Available on More Places
Strategically opening additional channels and showcasing your solution on them can help customers find your offerings and engage with you.

As a Microsoft Partner, you have the opportunity to connect with customers and Partners globally by publishing your app or service in the Microsoft commercial marketplace via Azure Marketplace or Microsoft AppSource. Once listed, you can also tap into marketing resources to increase awareness of your solution, along with sales and technical support.

Additionally, think about collaborating with other Partners who often provide promotion for your solution or even have their own marketplaces. You might wonder if having yet another marketplace is necessary, but the strategy remains simple: the more places you showcase your solution, the easier it is for customers to find it.

Attend & Host Events
Being more visible in the Microsoft partner community is all about showing up - and by that, we mean really showing up - at events. Microsoft and related partners host various events throughout the year, including conferences, webinars, and local meetups, all offering networking opportunities. Simply being present is a good start, but taking a more active role, such as becoming a speaker or sponsor, puts your logo everywhere and allows you to showcase your expertise.

Beyond Microsoft-specific events, explore industry conferences related to your niche. These gatherings attract a diverse audience, allowing you to broaden your reach and connect with customers who may not have considered your services.

In addition to attending existing events, why not host your own? Organizing webinars or local events on topics your audience cares about is a great way to display your expertise and establish yourself as a leader in your field. Consider collaborating with other partners to expand your audience and bring in varied viewpoints, adding more depth to your event and further enhancing visibility.

Get Back to Digital Marketing Basics

Sometimes, the most effective strategies are the ones that have been around since the beginning. Is your website optimized for search engines? Does your content interest and help your target audience? Are you active on the right social media channels? Take another look at your online presence.

Start by identifying the keywords or phrases that your target audience is likely to use when searching for your products or services. Use these keywords naturally into your website content, from titles to body text, to improve your website's ranking in search engine results and make it easier for potential customers to find you.

Next, focus on the content you share and where you share it. Identify the social media platforms your audience uses most, and ensure your content grabs their attention. By providing valuable content and actively engaging on social media, you increase brand awareness and show that you are an expert whom they may trust.

Stick to What You Know Best & Add Value

If there’s no difference between you and your competition, there’s no reason why a customer would be compelled to work with you. Your value proposition is what differentiates you from others and convinces your prospects that you're the right partner to choose. What exactly is your expertise? What do you do better than anyone else in the industry? Answer these questions in all your marketing communications.

Don’t try to be everything to everyone. To attract a targeted following, focus your content on your area of expertise and share insights on the topics that you know best. The goal is to become visible to these potential customers, even if they’re not following you. If you engage them and consistently show your expertise in the content they are interested in, they will eventually come to appreciate your contributions.

Takeaways & Next Steps

Even the best products or services risk being overshadowed in the market without promotion. When your business is visible, more people become aware of your brand. This awareness is the first step in building trust, recognition, and a customer base. Thus, embrace Partner Programs, expand your reach, actively engage in events, master digital marketing, and focus on your unique value to be more visible, trusted, and preferred as a Microsoft Partner.

Ready to become a preferred Microsoft Partner? Explore our services to discover how we can enhance your expertise, capacity, and visibility for your solutions.